Sunday, June 17, 2012

Updates and Father's Day

1.  The month of June sentimental stuff continued.
2.  I visited my friend in Cleveland, just Sam and I, for an entire week!  Sam was a good little traveler.  It was more than good to see Aud and have a great visit.
3.  Morgan had his first Father's Day.  Gifts of ladybugs for his garden and a digital picture frame for his office.

Now in more detail:
Sam and Del

Sam sleeping at the Cleveland Zoo

Back home and practicing his rolling

Father's Day craft time, decorating his giftwrap

Finished product

Inappropriate humor is a must for a Daddy gift

Grandpa G. visited and Sam passed out

We finally got video of Sam laughing

Whew!  What a busy week!  Glad to be home, even if I do miss having my bestie with me.  You never really know how boring your house is till you visit one with 2 kids and 8 kids living next door!  My God.

1 comment:

  1. It's too bad we couldn't get a GORILLA WANTS TO EAT YOUR BABY picture. *sigh*
